Thursday, May 14, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Yes, yes, I know- this movie came out months ago. I had heard great things about it and have been wanting to watch it for a long time, but I kept putting it off until my sister came home (I had promised her we would watch it together, and by the time she arrived my homework load would be less obnoxious). I went into the film with high expectations- something I hate to do but can't help. You know when you go into something expecting greatness, and you always come out disappointed because it couldn't live up to your inflated expectations? I worried that this would happen with Slumdog Millionaire, because I have been in desperate need of a movie to lift my spirits.

You know what? I came out loving it. My expectations were fulfilled. The movie, a story of a poor, uneducated contestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, is as incredible a film as I have ever seen. Throughout the movie, he is accused of cheating for continually knowing the answers to increasingly difficult questions on the show. Yet you discover that it was his life (destiny, as the movie puts it) that had given him all of the answers. He has lived them.

You learn of his heartbreaking childhood, a lost love, and a struggle between brothers. You find yourself urging on the poverty-stricken children, praying for their safety, and begging characters to do....well, whatever they are supposed to do to make the story come out right ("No, don't leave!" "Turn around! Turn around!" "Run! Run! No, that way! Other way!"; you get the picture). The story greets you, envelopes you, and before you know it, it has captured your heart. For anyone who disagrees with that statement, I would be interested to hear why you were not entranced.

The film is based on Vikas Swarup's novel Q&A, if any of you are interested in checking that out. I think I'll have to put it on my summer reading list.

If I haven't done so already, I do apologize that this review is done in such delay to the movie. I suppose this is sort of like a 'last call' to all of you out there who have not seen it yet. If you think this is just another movie that can be set aside, please reconsider. Seeing this film may not change the course of your life, but it can touch your heart, giving you faith that even in the worst of situations, people can persevere.

Go rent it.

1 comment:

Ed Ngai said...

i watched this a couple weeks ago and it is probably the best movie I have seen this year so far.